F-6000 HM


Technical Data

IPB & Drawing


F-6000 High Media Filters

Applications: provide high quality filtration solutions for water with high contamination of organic material and algae. The standard solution in most filtration applications across most industrial and municipal segments.

Standard Characteristics:

  • Filter housing material of construction: Carbon Steel ST37.2
  • Exterior & Interior coating: electrostatic oven baked polyester-epoxy powder coating with a thickness of 150-200 micron
  • Connections: Victaulic, Threaded socket and Flange

Type of Media:

  • Quartz Sand
  • Volcanic Gravel: sizes from 1mm – 20 mm
  • Anthracite: as a component of dual or multi-media filters for potable water in conjunction with sand (and possibly garnet). The inclusion of a layer of anthracite above the sand ensures longer filter run times. This anthracite layer can produce higher filtration rates than for filters with no anthracite addition thereby reducing the coarse particulate load on the sand.
  • Catalytic media: manganese dioxide screen washed and dried. Uses; catalytic iron and manganese removal from potable water.
  • Active carbon: to absorb chlorine and other minerals from water.

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