Raw Water Filtration

Inlet Raw Water Filtration
For using intake raw water source, some type of raw water treatment system is usually necessary to ensure an efficient process and quality product. The most appropriate raw water treatment system will help the facility avoid costly plant downtime, expensive maintenance fees and product quality.
A raw water treatment system is a system made up of several individual technologies that address your specific raw water treatment needs.
An efficient and well-designed raw water treatment system should be able to handle:
seasonal variations in turbidity and flow
variations in water chemistry needs and required chemical volumes adjustments
changes in water quality requirements (such as the quality of feed water required for a new boiler)
A basic raw water treatment system typically includes some type of:
chemical feed to help facilitate the flocculation or coagulation of any suspended solids
clarifier to settle out the larger solids
filtration to remove the smaller suspended particles
Yamit filters are utilized in 2 main applications in the inlet raw water treatment process which may include also, depending on the inlet water quality and user needs, coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and disinfection:
Raw water intake coarse filtration: Raw water (untreated water found naturally in the environment) can come from many sources, including rivers, lakes, oceans, or groundwater. Usually, when an industrial plant draws in the water from their surface water source, they pull it in (with pipes or by gravity) through a mesh screen or grate to eliminate the larger objects, such as twigs, leaves, and fish. The water is then pumped to the main facility where treatment begins.
Fine suspended particles filtration for which Yamit supplies manual, semi-automatic or automatic screen filters or pressurized media filters. The fine filtration solutions will follow, if necessary the sedimentation process and precede the disinfection stage.